Noora Ylipieti

Basic information

b. 1981
Visual Artist, Master of Arts

Contact information

Artist’s Statement

Master of Arts,
Show biography

Current information

Selected exhibitions:

Vulnerability, Rauma Art Museum. Until 14 th of Apr. 2024.

Vulnerability, Kemi Art Museum. Opening at 25 th of Apr. 2024.

Formula, Espoo Artist Guild, group exhibition.
Opening at 7th of Feb. 2025.

Helinä Rautavaara museum, duo exhibition. Coming up.


Visual artist Noora Ylipieti’s (b. 1981, Siuntio, Finland) exhibition and installation Vulnerability / Altistuneet depicts the fragility and sensitivity of human life with a thousand gently humorous vampire drawings and paintings.

Ylipieti has been working on the vampire character since 2020. The ten vampire paintings first became a hundred and then a thousand, when the artist added one more zero after her series. In the thinking behind the series of a thousand pictures, one can find connections with both pop art and the manifestations of the avant-garde in fine art and poetry.

The exhibition built for Rauma Art Museum examines the construction of identity during adolescence and its intense emotions, experiences of being an outsider and the changing relationship with family and growing environment.

- Heta Kaisto, Rauma Art Museum -