what will be left of us –  mitä meistä jää –  metallinetsintää

Tiina Hölli: what will be left of us – mitä meistä jää – metallinetsintää


"mitä meistä jää - ", metallinetsintää, installaatio

Salon taidemuseo 2013

Since 2007 Tiina Hölli has cleaned the ground from metal trash. Hölli uses a metal detector and documents the search as well as the findings, and respects the earth. The performances are flexible and details negotiable. Detecting one piece of metal and digging it up takes about 15 minutes plus preparation.

...what will be left of us - ................../ ...mitä meistä jää -
...human life..................................../ ...ihmiselämä
...tramping grasslands...................../ ...ruohontallausta
...searching for metals...................../ ...ja metallinetsintää
...Perhaps a tale.. ........................../ ...Ehkä tarina
...like a dream that will be forgotten../ ...kuin uni unohtuva

Momentary site-specific works, performances and acts, soundscapes, photography and videos, notes, poetry, writings, sketches, drawings, diaries, artist´s books, momentary or temporal site-specific installations in both interior and exterior spaces of ready made objects (finds) and tools used in act, documentation of the acts, interactions and conversations with the public, collaborations.


Foto: Tiina Hölli